Government Grants
Grants for schools and businesses are available to most US citizens. Did
you know they were given out to troubled teens? This is absolutely true.
Over the years numerous institutions received federal grant money to distribute
to those wishing to continue their education. Grants are also offered
as incentives to turn around the lives of teenagers who have become involved
in crime and substance addictions.
Maryland lawmakers have created a bill that would offer tuition grants to juvenile offenders. Supporters of this bill do so to enable them to get their lives back on track. Delegate Norm Conway, the educator who sponsors the bill, says, “Hey, if you’re willing to do your part there are some opportunities out there for you.”
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has sought out $2.1 million to fund at least 21 grants to fund on-campus suicide prevention programs. According to the 2006 National College Health Assessment 9% of students enrolled in higher education had seriously considered suicide while 1.3% actually attempted it.
Juvenile authorities of Blair County in Pennsylvania are teaming up with the Goodwill Industries to operate a Learn To Work program that will teach adolescents who’ve been in trouble with the law effective work habits and help steer them towards a career. This county will receive a $103,722 6-month grant from the Office of Children Youth and Families in the Department of Public Welfare to create the program. This program will enable the Goodwill to hire teens 15 years of age or older to work 15 hours a week to sell used items over the internet. The Goodwill also gives juveniles a series of tests to see what their best skills and talents are. They also help the teens develop effective work, academic, and social skills as well as morale reasoning so these workers can handle frustration on the job in an appropriate manner.
The US Department of Labor has what they call Youth Service Discretionary Grants to enable offenders, at-risk teens, impoverished youth, and teens in foster care to go back to school. The Prisoner Reentry Initiative program offers non-violent ex-offenders opportunities to return to their communities and continue education. The High Growth Youth Offender Initiative provides occupational and on-the-job training, apprenticeships, internships, and other work based learning programs to help teens pursue a career. Currently there is no new funding for this program but there may be soon. The School District Youth Offender Initiative aims at steering teens away from involvement with gangs and violent crime through a workforce development approach. There are 3 other Categorical Grant programs in 16 organizations offering career training, alternative education, and apprenticeships to adolescents and young adults who’ve been indicted and face the justice system. Just check out their site for additional information.
Still there are additional organizations that provide libraries and services for youths or work in partnership with juvenile facilities, alternative high schools, and drug rehabilitation centers. Examples are the Great Stories Club and the Just For Kids Foundation. They may offer or refer one to organizations who offer grants for troubled teens.